
Friday, July 25, 2014

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

"Do What you can, with what you have, where you are."
-Theodore Roosevelt

Hello! It's been a while since I've posted. I'm sorry for leaving you guys in the dark for so long, but thank you for sticking around, It means a lot. I've been quite busy trying to adjust to the new work flow and environment. Handling new situations can be quite difficult for me, but I think I'm now at a point where I've adapted and can get back to doing one of my favorite things, which is talking to you guys!

About a month ago I was nominated by Jasmin Charlotte (who by the way is a lovely blogger) for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Thank you Jasmin for your wonderful gesture. This post has been in the back of my mind for a while and Im finally getting a chance to sit down and write it! Ill try to get another post up for you guys before Wednesday, but for now I hope you learn a little bit more about me and discover new reads.


-Thank and link the amazing person who nominated you
-List the rules and display the award
-Share 7 facts about yourself
-Nominate 7 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they’ve been nominated
-Optional: proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you!

7 Facts about me

1. I lived in Mexico for the first six years of my life
2. I love peanuts but I hate peanut butter, It gives me a head ache whenever I smell it
3. I love to bake
4. I have a fetish for old people
5. I absolutely adore dogs
6. I'm a neat freak
7. I'm horrified at the idea of swimming in the open ocean

My Nominations

Leslie Morando
Me, You, & Hayley Larue
Love from Be
Style By Deb
Efflorescent Dream
Ashley's Passion for Fashion
Fashion Dreams and Lifestyle

If you don't follow these wonderful ladies and their blogs I encourage you to do so! They're amazing! 

If you would like to stay updated with posts, you can do so on GFC by clicking on the small pink circles next to the “join this site” button or through Bloglovin!

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